Don’t Quit Your Daydream!

As I sat at my desk staring out the window, watching the rain fall I would often dream of holidays and sunnier destinations… I mean who doesn’t? But it’s when you read those stories online of people who packed up everything to move abroad and travel the world, that’s when I would think…why isn’t that me?!

To most people, those stories seem about as achievable as winning the lottery, and I would feel the same. That is until about a year ago…

I still remember the day I thought to myself, why can’t I move abroad? What is actually stopping me? I was in Dubai Mall looking over the balcony, watching people wander around the many levels of the mall when I realised…this is where I want to be!

When I arrived back in England following that trip to Dubai I looked in to the logistics of moving abroad. It isn’t until you really think about it, that the realisation of how hard it can be hits. I had a full time job, an apartment, a car, my family and friends and my little sister to think about.

After thinking long and hard I realised, when it comes to life experiences, sometimes you have to be selfish. The saying ‘You only live once’ is never truer than when you are faced with a big decision like this.

With things like Skype and social media, you are never far away from family and friends. So I decided to take the leap and in July 2015 i moved to Dubai. I sold all of my belongings, including my car and apartment and I moved out here with only 30kg of luggage!

It really doesn’t take long to build your life back up, and when every weekend feels like a holiday …that’s when you know you made the right decision! The expat community is always there to lend a hand, after all, everyone has been in your boat at one point in their lives and there is always someone who has experienced what you are going through.

I am now sat on my balcony overlooking the skyscrapers of Dubai in 30 degree heat and I don’t regret a single thing. The way I see it, life is for living, and you can always resume a life back in your home city whenever you’re ready to do so… the people who mean the most to you will always be there for you, so really… what do you have to lose?

There is a big world out there just waiting to be explored, and someone has to do it…why can’t that someone be you?!

Laura x

Follow my adventures:

InstagramLaura Lou Travels
YouTubeLaura Lou

Check out my first YouTube video here – Moving to Dubai

7 thoughts on “Don’t Quit Your Daydream!

  1. Jurga says:

    While Dubai wouldn’t be my first choice (thinking of 50°C temperatures in summer 🙂 ), I really understand your decision. After all, we only live once and at the end we usually only regret the things we didn’t do. Enjoy it!

    Liked by 1 person

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